Cyberwire Bulletin

.......Russia appears the most likely suspect in December's cyber attack on the Ukrainian power grid. How the attack was accomplished, however, remains less clear. As ESET's reports suggest, signs point to BlackEnergy malware (BlackEnergy was found in affected networks) but many think it's too early to close the case.
The motive for a Russian hack also remains unclear: there's no obvious operational purpose served. Some speculate the episode amounts to dissuasion or saber-rattling. (In its own bit of dissuasion, the US Treasury Department finalizes its system of sanctions for hacking.)
Other utilities around the world reassure stakeholders they've taken precautions against similar attacks.
Saudi Arabia and Iran seem poised to escalate ongoing tension into conflict in cyberspace. ISIS has taken to denouncing the Saudi regime as tyranny and Saudi soldiers as apostates. Shi'ites, Christians, and Jews also come in for their usual share of odium in Daesh social media. Western services are still working out their information operational response.
Anonymous takes down Thai police sites to protest death sentences handed down in the case of two murdered tourists.
"GeNiuS-JorDan," known for attacks on Kuwaiti and Nepalese sites, defaces Ugandan Foreign Ministry sites with protests of US and Israeli actions in the Middle East.
Analysts review Ransom32, which Emsisoft described this week. Its JavaScript-based ability to affect different operating systems is as disturbing as Ransom32's crimeware-as-a-service distribution.
Rapid7 finds issues with Xfinity's home security system.
Android patches five critical security flaws.
Today's edition of the CyberWire reports events affecting Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Latvia, Japan, Kenya, Myanmar, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Palestine, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Yemen.