Nangarhar police chief Fazel Ahmad Sherzad on Thursday raised concerns over the activities of Daesh in the province and said some elements in the region, including Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), support the militant group.

His statement comes a day after the group claimed responsibility for the attack on the Pakistani consulate in Jalalabad, which resulted in the death of at least seven members of the Afghan security forces.
Referring to attack on the Pakistani mission, Sherzad said the incident was worrying and accused ISI of helping the militant group.

He said the security forces have launched a probe into the incident.

"Daesh militants are supported by regional countries especially Pakistan but government forces are investigating attack on the Pakistani consulate," said Sherzad.

Meanwhile, officials from Nangarhar provincial council have questioned the infiltration of the attackers into a highly guarded zone where the Pakistani mission is located, adding that it is surprising how the militants managed to enter a so-called safe area.

The Nangarhar mission attack was the first insurgent-style attack on a Pakistani diplomatic mission in Afghanistan.

"I don't know how the attackers entered the consulate despite there being many checkpoints near the consulate," said Sohrab Qadiri a provincial council member.
Amid a surge in activities by Daesh in Nangarhar, residents on Thursday blasted government and security of forces for not tackling the group, who have staged several attacks in Afghanistan since their emergence in the country last year.

Afghanistan has long accused the Pakistani spy agency of backing and funding militant groups in Afghanistan in its quest to destabilize the country and pursue its own strategic objectives.

But one political analyst, Jawed Kohistani, said: "There are groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan that do not see peace and security in their interest and they want to achieve their interests through insecurity."

A former Pakistani military official Mohammad Asif said: "In my opinion there are groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan who do not want relations between the two countries to improve and therefore they want to conduct terrorist acts in both countries."